Out of habit we interact with objects. It is inevitable that people use plastic bags, but can we really understand the sheer quantity of waste we create. Plastic bags are not troublesome for most; they are not, on a grand scale, cluttering the streets or filling ours rivers. Therefore, we don't feel responsible for problems that we don't see ourselves. In order to lessen pollution, it would take a large behavioral change to happen in our culture. If we can alter the value or purpose of plastic bags maybe we could imagine each bag caught in the bare limbs of a tree or cut appart and reassembly with a new life.
>Approximately 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. Over one million bags per minute.
>The Worldwatch Institute estimates that in the U.S. an estimated 12,000,000 barrels of non-renewable petroleum oil are required to produce the 100 billion bags consumed annually. Over $500,000,000 the country could be saving to put towards renewable energy sources.
>60,000 plastic bags are used in the U.S. every five seconds.
>The petroleum used to make only 14 plastic bags could drive a car 1 mile.
>Over 100,000 marine animals, including highly intelligent, adorable sea turtles, whales and dolphins, die every year because of plastic bags.
>In some parts of the ocean there are six pounds of plastic for every pound of plankton.
>They can take from 400 to 1,000 years to decompose but their chemicals residues remain for years after that.
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